Monday, 31 March 2014

Honda Driving Support System

Honda has announced plans to begin testing their Driving Support System in Utsunomiya City, Japan.
Designed to reduce accidents and improve fuel efficiency, the Driving Support System uses traffic signal information to provide notifications to the driver.

 Honda Driving Support System announced, will help drivers get green lights 
When approaching an intersection, the system will display the recommended speed the driver needs to travel to get a green light. If the driver can't get a green light, the display will notify them to let off the accelerator. Once the car has stopped at a red light, the display will count down the time remaining until the light turns green.

Honda will begin testing the system in April and the company hopes to determine how well the system improves fuel economy and reduces CO2 emissions. Researchers will also study the effects of the system on traffic flow and traffic safety.

Source: Honda

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