Monday, 23 September 2013

The Nissan Xterra

The Nissan Xterra has been on the market for nearly a decade without significant improvements and a new report is indicating it faces an uncertain future.

According to Al Ain Japan, Nissan will decide to replace or kill the Xterra later this year. Unfortunately, the outlook doesn't seem promising as Nissan Americas' vice president of Product Planning, Pierre Loing, said "The most difficult part is it is U.S.-only, so even if the volume in the U.S. is good, you need to make friends around the globe to get the resources."

2013 Nissan Xterra Picture

Despite the grim outlook, Loing said "There are plans to replace it, there are always plans, [but] I am not sure it will happen." He added that the company only sold about 17,200 Xterras in the United States last year which down from 88,578 Xterras in 2000.

Source: Al Ain Japan

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