Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Leading Used Car Exporter of Japan

1.     Why to Buy a Japanese vehicle?

    Japanese vehicles are famous because of their quality and reliability. Japanese drivers keep their vehicles well-maintained interior and exterior. The annual inspections are very strict and it helps to keep its national fleet in very good conditions.

2.     What services we offer to our customers?

    Our multilingual employees (English,Portuguese,Spanish and Japanese) and with more than 14 years experience will help in your buying process, shipping and reception of the vehicle. We have a 24 hour service through our mailbox and online service (I.e Skype).
3.     How can I trust your company?

    First of all, because of our 14 years experience in this market. Also because of our worldwide presence, we have 8 branches around the world, which allows us to be near to the costumer and solve setbacks quickly. Furthermore, we are member of a very distinguish JAPAN USED MOTOR VEHICLE EXPORTERS ASSOCIATION (JUMVEA), Chamber of Commerce and industry of Yokohama and Japanese Export Association (Export Bureau).

4.     How can I get the best used vehicles available in the Japanese market?

    Al AIN JPAN (PVT) Ltd. Is member of all the auction and dealers network in Japan. Our buying department inspect all the vehicles before being auctioned in order to avoid hesitation and mistake in the auction time. Also if you do not find the desire vehicle in our stock, in less than 10 days we will buy it for you in auction. Every day 35000 vehicles are auctions in Japan.

5.     May I pay in installments?

    Prices in our website are really competitive and 100% payment in advanced is required. However, special conditions can apply depending on the quantity of vehicles and costumer request.

Al Ain Japan (PVT) Ltd. DARUS SALAM BLDG, 1-28-21 Hayabuchi, Tsuzuki-Ku, Yokohama-Shi, Kanagawa-Ken, 224-0025, JAPAN
Telephone: +(81) 45-594-0507, Fax: +(81) 45-594-0508
Mobiles: +(81) 80-1094-0907, +(81) 80-3598-6585, +(81) 80-3085-3643

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